Why Did Han Solo Need an Interpreter?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 4/12/2017 1:00:00 AM
Han Solo didn't have any trouble speaking Greedo and Jabba The Hut in the Original Star Wars...
Here's something that has puzzled me for a long time. In the Original Star Wars, Greedo confronts Han Solo using a language known as Huttese, which is the same language many of the people on Tatooine speak... including Jabba The Hut.
In the Special Edition of Star Wars Episode IV (A New Hope), there's even a scene where Han Solo has a long conversation with Jabba, where Jabba speaks to him entirely in Huttese, and Han speaks Galactic Basic (English). Both speak their own language, and neither one needs an interpreter.
However, in Return Of The Jedi, when Jabba speaks to Han, he uses C-3PO as an interpreter, which is strange, considering Jabba clearly understands Han, and vice versa.
It wouldn't seem out of place if it wasn't for the added scene with Jabba in the Special Edition, but now that it's in the Original Star Wars, it seems just plain strange.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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