Your Kids Will HATE These 4 Mobile Phone Ideas.
Staten Island, NY Posted: 4/19/2017 1:00:00 AM
Do you know what your children are doing with their mobile phones? Chances are, you don't, and that's the point.
The fact that most parents have no idea what their kids are doing with their mobile phones is all the evidence you need to see how bad the parental controls are on mobile phones. Today's idea of the day is a step in the right direction, and you're kids will hate all of them.
1. Parental access to every photo on their child's phone. Kids take a LOT of photos. Unfortunately, some of them are not exactly family friendly. If parents had the ability to access and delete every photo a child takes, chances are they would think twice before taking them. This is especially important for parents of very young children.
2. Parents need to be able to turn off texting at any time, or on a schedule. For example, they should be able to turn it off during school hours, or when they know the child should be home, in bed. Besides the schedule, they should be able to simply turn it off at any time, with the push of a button.
3. Speed sensitive text blocks. Simply stated, if the child has a license, texting should turn off whenever the phone is moving.
4. Parents should be able to filter the language their child sends and receives while texting. Nobody likes a potty mouth, especially a six year old. If a child sends or receives foul language in a text, parents should be able to filter that language.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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