Jedi are Chickens!
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/1/2017 1:00:00 AM
When the going get tough, the Jedi get going.
I realize the Jedi are a force for peace, but why the heck do they always seem to run away when they're needed most?
Before Star Wars Episode III, Revenge of the Sith came out, the Jedi were portrayed as fearless guardians of the galaxy, capable of fighting anyone, anytime, and anywhere. Everything changed at the end of the film when I suddenly realized, the Jedi are actually chickens.
As the film comes to a close, we see Yoda fighting Emperor Palpatine a/k/a Darth Sidious, while Obi-Wan takes on Anakin Skywalker a/k/a Darth Vader. For the most part, they both did quite well. Obi-Wan beats Anakin, and Yoda handles himself quite well against Palpatine's Dark Force Lightning, but neither of them finish the job.
Considering the situation, what they should've done at this point was finish the job. Vader and Palpatine were still healing from the battle, while Obi-Wan and Yoda were fresh as a daisy. The Senate and the Republic were still in power, and instead of striking back, they decided to hide for 20 years while Anakin's children grew up. Huh? Why hide now? Did they know Luke and Leia would be powerful Jedi some day?
Did they think they would be stronger in 20 years? Well, perhaps Yoda wouldn't age as much as Obi-Wan would (he was already over 900 years old), but hiding while the Empire grew was just plain chicken.
In The Force Awakens, where is Luke? Hiding, and this time, nobody, knows where he is. Not even his twin sister Leia. The Dark Side of The Force is in full swing again, and a massive army is taking over, and building yet another planet killer, and Luke is nowhere to be found.
To make matters even worse, Luke's last sentence for the trailer for Episode VIII, The Last Jedi is "One thing I know, The Jedi must end..." Really? So basically, while his nephew works with yet another Sith Lord to take over the galaxy again, he gives up. CHICKEN!
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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