The Biggest Cliche in Hollywood
Staten Island, NY Posted: 6/10/2017 1:00:00 AM
Why does EVERY action movie have this cliche?
Just about every action movie I've ever seen ends the same way. The good guys finally beat the bad guys, and as they walk away, somehow the bad guys seem to wake from the dead to attack them one last time. The cliche is used so often that I EXPECT it from every action movie.
Not only is it a cliche, but it's just plain stupid. If you've spent all that time trying to beat the bad guy, why would you walk away without making sure they're really dead? I think writers today have lost all their originality.
You want to see a real twist at the end? Here's something that would surprise audiences even more. The good guy beats the bad guy, and walks into the sunset. The end.
Now THAT'S original.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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