Star Wars Stormtrooper Armour is Still Useless
Staten Island, NY Posted: 7/23/2017 1:00:00 AM
About a year ago I did a video about how useless Stormtrooper Armour is. After seeing Rogue One, it's even worse.
When I posted my previous video Stormtroopers armour, I got a lot of comments from people who actually defended the armour as being something that was actually pretty useful. Naturally, I disagreed. My argument was that the armour clearly is no defense against blasters and other weapons in the Star Wars Universe.
Most of the comments centered on the fact that nothing can defend a person from a blaster shot, but the armour was a good overall protection from all sorts of physical contact. While that seems like a bit of a stretch, I can understand it, even though you never see any scenes where a Stormtrooper avoided injury because of their armour.
Things changed when Rogue One came out. There's a scene in Rogue One where Chirrut, the blind Force using Monk takes on nearly a dozen Stormtroopers armed only with a wooden stick. He uses the stick to knock most of the out cold. Knocked them out... WITH A WOODEN STICK?
Regardless of what some people wrote in the comments, there's no doubt about it, Stormtrooper Armour is USELESS.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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