3 Benefits of a Device to Monitor Teenage Driving
Staten Island, NY Posted: 11/19/2014 1:00:00 AM
Here's a great idea. Spy on your kids when they drive!
Spying on your kids? What a horrible idea. How could I even suggest this? It sounds so unfair.
After all, kids today are so wonderful and we trust them to drive below the speed limit. We have no reason to think otherwise. Why wouldn't they be safe drivers, just like we were when we were that age? Um.. come to think of it. This is a great idea.
I saw a commercial for a device from Progressive Insurance that you plug into your car's computer port under the dashboard that basically let's them monitor your driving habits. As a reward for using it, you get a lower rate. This made today's idea seem quite plausible, but instead of using such a device to let an insurance company monitor your driving habits... why not use this kind of gadget to monitor your own teenage drivers?
Other than the obvious benefit of giving them a nice chat if you see that they have a tendency to drive too fast, it also has the following benefits.
1. Good habits start young. Actually, good and bad habits start young. Knowing they are being monitored at this young age will force them to drive within the speed limit. In time, this will become a habit that may last a lifetime.
2. Some teens may drive fast because of peer pressure. Having such a device gives them an excuse to tell their friends that they can't speed because they are being monitored.
3.Piece of Mind. As Ronald Reagan once said of the Soviets, Trust... but verify. Stop wondering. Start knowing exactly how your kids are driving.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe