A Spamalot Movie
Staten Island, NY Posted: 2/15/2015 1:00:00 AM
Monty Python's Spamalot should be made into a movie.
When Monty Python and the Holy Grail came out in 1975, it became a one of the biggest cult classics of all time. Forty years later, millions of people still talk it and it spawned a hugely successful Broadway musical, winning the 2005 Tony award for Best Musical.
Although Spamalot is based on Monty Python's and the Holy Grail, I think that a film version of the musical is way past due. It's been over 10 years now, and there still isn't any talk of a movie.
It's not unusual for a movie to be made into a Broadway Musical, then return to the big screen as a movie adaption of the musical. In fact, it's quite common. Hairspray started out as an obscure John Waters movie, before becoming a Broadway Musical which led to the movie version of the musical. Other notable movies that moved from movie, to Broadway musical, then back to movie are, Little Shop of Horror, The Producers, Les Miserables, My Fair Lady (Pygmalion) and Phantom of the Opera.
While it may be true that some of the movie versions weren't as critically acclaimed as the originals, a movie based upon Spamalot still has the potential to be a blockbuster as long as the surviving members of Monty Python are involved in the project. Terry Gilliam for example is still very active as a director and he has a great track record for directing and producing movies with unique vision, and Eric Idle's music was very involved in creating the music for the Broadway version.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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