Remote Control For The iPhone and iPad, with Bluetooth.
Staten Island, NY Posted: 2/17/2015 1:00:00 AM
Wouldn't it be great to control your music with a remote control?
It's funny when you think of it, back in the 70s, that was science fiction, then in the 80s, it became quite common, but somehow it's science fiction again. How did that happen?
The trouble is, a lot of people set their iPhone or iPad down (someplace near a power plug), then stream music and videos directly to their entertainment system. If they're sitting on the sofa, that means they normally can't reach their devices to pause, or skip to the next track.
Apple makes a slick remote control for their Apple TV, which also can control media on some Mac models, but since it uses infrared to control it, it can't control things like iPads, iPods and iPhones.
An iOS Remote Control would not only make it easier to control music, but make it easier to use the iPad for Keynote and video presentations.
Since most newer gadgets have Bluetooth, it seems to me that a modified version of that remote that uses Bluetooth would instantly work with just about every Apple device, past and present.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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