5 Ways The Apple Watch Can SAVE LIVES
Staten Island, NY Posted: 3/16/2015 1:00:00 AM
Digital watches have been around a long time. Why is the Apple Watch different?
We all know technology companies love to hype their new products as the next big thing, so it's not surprising that a lot of people think the Apple Watch is nothing new. In fact, there are millions of people already wearing SmartWatches from companies like Samsung, LG, and Sony wondering what all the fuss is about.
The fact is. The Apple Watch IS different, and it's going to surprise a lot of people, and even save lives.
That may sound like a bold statement, but it's entirely true, and it's only going to get better as new Apps and future models roll out.
Even with the first generation models and Apps, there are already a number of potentially life saving features.
1. Integrated into every watch is a sophisticated infrared sensor, that can read your heartbeat. I realize there are already other watches that can read your heartbeat, but those watches are used for runners to monitor their heart rate while they exercise. That's all they can do.
Since this watch can run sophisticated Apps and is linked through your iPhone to the Internet, Apps can not only tell you what your heart rate is whenever you ask for it, but they can actually send reports directly to your doctor when an unsafe heart rate is detected.
This one feature alone cannot be overlooked. For a developer, there are countless possibilities for life saving Apps using the heart monitor alone. Especially for monitoring people with health challenges, such as senior citizens.
2. The Apple Watch also makes a great alternative to pendant based medical alert systems, because a distressed patient can not only make a call directly from the watch, but the motion sensors in the watch can detect a fall, so an App could be designed to automatically call for help.
3. Although Siri is far from perfect, Apps could be designed to use Siri to ask people if they are okay after a fall is detected. If they don't answer, Siri could call for help.
4. In addition to reading your heartbeat, rumors surfaced that Apple was planning on using sensors that could not only read your heart rate, but your oxygen and blood sugar. While it's still unclear whether the sensors in the first release have this capability or not, they clearly will have either a software update or model that has this feature in the future. If so, this will be a game changer for people with diabetes.
5. For years, doctors have suggested that patients carry a pedometer to monitor their daily exercise. Obviously, the Apple Watch can do this, just like countless other devices, but the fact is, most people don't use them. If nothing else, since fitness monitoring is a standard feature in the Apple Watch, there will be a lot more people tracking their activity. Even if most people will never tap into the more advanced health monitoring potential of the Watch, there will be a lot more people at least becoming aware of their activity level.
For those who think the Apple Watch is just hype, let me remind you that this is not the first time people have doubted Apple's strategy after a new category of product rolls out. For example, this was Microsoft's reaction to the iPhone in 2007.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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Posted: 3/16/2015 10:56:13 AM
Simply Jim, Newbie - Web
And to think, I thought it was just a cool watch.
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