Apple Watch Band Adapters - Use ANY Watchband.
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/14/2015 1:00:00 AM
Apple Watch has dozens of bands to choose from. That's not enough.
When I first saw the Apple Watch, I loved the variety of bands they showed off. They have a great mixture of rubber, metal and traditional leather bands, so what's not to like?
I wanted the Stainless Steel Milanese band, but those were backordered for months, so I settled for the blue rubber one for now.
It's functional, but it stands out like a peacock when I'm at a meeting, and while it's nice to get noticed, sometimes you don't want all that attention. So for at least a few more weeks, that'll be the only band I'll use.
Since Apple knew they would have a shortage of bands in other styles, wouldn't it've been better if they sold adapters for people to use whatever band they want?
By selling adapters, the number of options expands from just a few basic colored rubber bands, to literally millions of possible styles in every conceivable price range. This would've immediately differentiated the Apple Watch from most of the other Smart Watches on the market today that don't even have band choices.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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