Apple Should Allow The Seconds On More Watch Faces
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/29/2015 1:00:00 AM
Apple Watch is first and foremost an incredibly accurate timepiece... Sort of.
One of the first things Apple said about their new Watch was that it is one of the most accurate timepieces you could buy, with an accuracy of about a billionth of a second. The trouble is, most of the time when I look at my Watch, it's off by up to 59 seconds, depending on when I look at it, because the Face I use doesn't show the seconds.
Without the seconds, I find myself staring at the Watch when I'm waiting for an exact time, which of course could be almost a minute away. What makes matters worse is that the time only displays for a couple of seconds before it goes black to I keep dropping my arm and lifting or tapping it to get it to display again. By then, I often miss it.
Of the 9 example Faces on The Timekeeping Page on Apple's Web site, 5 of them are Faces where the seconds are not available as an option. There's plenty of space for it, they just don't allow it. I had a Mickey Mouse Watch in the 70s, and it had a seconds hand, so why not find a fun way to put one on the Apple Watch too?
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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