Configurable Screen Display Length on Apple Watch
Staten Island, NY Posted: 6/30/2015 1:00:00 AM
It drives me crazy that I can't make the display stay on longer on my Apple Watch.
One of the great things about the Apple Watch is that you don't have to hit any buttons to see the time. This is made possible by using a series of motion sensors that can detect when you are positioning your watch in front of your face.
In order to save power, this also means the Watch turns off the display a second or two later. The trouble is, that also means it turns off the display when I'm still reading it.
Not only does it shut the screen while I'm reading the time, but it often shuts the screen while I'm waiting for an App to load. That's an even bigger problem because whenever that happens, the App stops loading. So you shake your arm and the spinning dots that indicate the App is loading keep spinning... and then the App starts over... and sometimes the screen goes off again, and the cycle continues.
The first time this happened, I decided to go to the Settings App to adjust the time delay before the screen shuts off, only to discover there is no such setting.
As it turns out, there is no way to tell the Watch how long to keep the display on. Isn't that strange?
There should be an option to set how many seconds the screen should be visible, and the display should always remain visible while waiting for an App to launch.
Additionally, there should be an option to keep the display on for an extended amount of time. For example, if you are waiting for an exact time, such as the stroke of midnight, the last thing you want to do is shake your arm around every few seconds to keep it visible.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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