VUDU For Apple TV
Staten Island, NY Posted: 12/30/2015 1:00:00 AM
Why isn't VUDU available on Apple TV?
Back in the 90s, I made the mistake of buying a lot of DVDs because they were clearly superior to VHS, and I assumed I would never want anything better. When HDTV, Blu-Ray, and streaming services came along, I suddenly realized my entire library was quickly becoming out of date, so I stopped buying DVDs.
Rather than re-purchase all my movies in Blu-Ray, I decided to give Walmart's VUDU service a try. Besides giving you the option to purchase HD movies that your can stream online, VUDU allows you to pop your original DVD into your computer, then pay $2 to add the same movie to your VUDU account. They even let you upgrade your old DVD version to full HD for $5, so I started getting HD versions of some of my favorite movies.
So now I have a growing library of movies in my VUDU account. The trouble is, Apple TV doesn't have a VUDU App. What are they waiting for?
Thankfully, there's a VUDU App on the iPhone and iPad, so I can turn on AirPlay, and beam the movie from my iPhone or iPad to my Apple TV, but that's pretty lame. Now that Apple has an App Store on the latest generation Apple TV, there's no reason why they can't simply put the same App directly on the new Apple TV.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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