Gas Prices Rounded To The Nearest Penny
Staten Island, NY Posted: 1/30/2016 1:00:00 AM
9/10th of a penny is just plain stupid!
Why do gas prices still have an extra 9/10 cent in small letters at the pump?
Last time I filled up, I paid $1.639 per gallon. For all intents and purposes, I paid $1.64, so what's the point of hiding it? Most tanks today only hold around 20 gallons or less, so the net price of a typical fill-up would only be impacted by an extra 20 tenths of a cent, 2 cents
In a time where there's a debate over getting rid of pennies, it's it time they stop pricing gas with fractions of a penny?
I could understand using fractions of a cent if the last digit wasn't always a 9, but a changing number based on some market variables, but it's always a 9 and it's only purpose is to make people think the gas is a penny cheaper than in actually is.
Perhaps in the days of gas guzzling cars and 20 cent gas it had some impact on the bottom line, but for the most part, it's completely pointless.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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