Ship to a Phone Number? Virtual Shipping Addresses (Video Version)
Staten Island, NY Posted: 2/29/2016 1:00:00 AM
Ship to an email address? Why not?
Today I'm expanding on one of my most popular ideas from September 11, 2014, Ship Real Packages and Letters Privately... by Phone # or eMail address?.
It's based upon the idea that people should be able to move from place to place, yet still have the same mailing address.
To me, a mailing address is just like a phone number or email address. You should be able to move and not have to notify anyone of the change.
To make this happen, the US Post Office, FedEx and UPS just need to let people register for an account with a unique ID that represents YOU, not your physical address. It doesn't matter what that code is. They can assign you a code, or let you use something like your own 10 digit phone number, a Twitter ID, or your email address as your shipping address.
From that point on, whenever you move, you update the physical address, but your shipping ID / address would remain the same. So if somebody sends a package addressed to your ID, that's all they need. The shipping company would simply substitute your current physical address as soon as they scan it into their system.
This not only gives people the ability move around without setting up a forwarding address, but it also means that you could keep your physical address private, just like when you send money to somebody using PayPal. The sender will only know your shipping ID, and they cannot find your physical address.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe