Just Call it Star Wars
Staten Island, NY Posted: 3/7/2016 11:11:57 PM
I hate when people call the original Star Wars "A New Hope"!
When Star Wars was released in 1977, it had only one name, "Star Wars". When The Empire Strikes Back was released, audiences were caught off guard when the opening titles began with "Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back". This immediately implied that the first movie was actually Episode IV, and that there were 3 missing parts that would eventually proceed it.
Regardless of this revelation, for all practical purposes, Star Wars was still... Star Wars, until they eventually released the original movie on VHS and they felt compelled to slap an "Episode IV" on it to make it official. While I can understand that, they also slipped in a new title "A New Hope".
For what it's worth, I and other people old enough to remember the days before they added that title never refer to it as that. To me, it will always be just plain "Star Wars". To me, adding another name to it takes away some of the original significance of it.
It was the original, and the first film. With each new episode, the significance of that film is reduced and buried. In the distant future there will be generations of new fans who may not realize it was the movie that started it all.
Frankly, I think part of the problem is that it's not a particularly strong name. Perhaps if it had a cool name like "The Death Star Menace", or "The Rise of Vader" I would've accepted it more, but I doubt it.
To me, it will always be called just plain "Star Wars".
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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