Detergent Pods Shouldn't Look Like Candy
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/11/2016 1:00:00 AM
Why the heck are laundry and dish washer detergent pods so colorful?
On the surface, detergent pods seem like a brilliant idea. You just pop them into your washing machine or dishwasher. There's no more measuring messy powders or liquids, what could be wrong with that? I don't actually have a problem with the concept. It's the execution that's completely messed up, and it's not the fault of the inventors.
The problem comes from the marketing departments of these companies. Instead of being satisfied that people will want to use them simply because of the convenience alone, they decided to make the pods more appealing by adding colorful dyes and flowing swirls that resemble... CANDY.
When a child bites down on a detergent pod, they literally explode into their mouth causing very concentrated chemicals to burst down their throat causing respiratory, esophagus and digestive trauma, not to mention burns to their mouth and hands.
Thousands of children have already been hospitalized because they tried to eat a detergent pod.
There is no reason for these pods to be colorful or attractive in any way. They need to look disgusting, and the outer packet needs to have either a foul smell or taste in the event that a child still chooses to put them into their mouth.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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