Why Perennial Star Wars Characters Will Live Forever
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/15/2016 1:00:00 AM
Now that Disney owns the Star Wars franchise, one thing I know for sure is that certain characters will be around for many years to come.
About a year ago there was a lot of buzz over the trailer for latest Star Wars movie, The Force Awakens. Fan sites studied each frame of the trailer looking for clues about the plot, creating a wealth of rumors.
One scene in the trailer that sparked a lot of rumors is where Rey is seen standing over what appears to be a dead body... a dead FURRY body. Could it be that Chewbacca was dead? While half the Internet was buzzing about the death of Chewie, I knew there was no chance he was dead. He couldn't be killed. He's a "Perennial" Star Wars character, so there was very little chance he'd be killed off so soon into the newest trilogy.
How do I know this... and what exactly is a Perennial Star Wars Character? it's simple. Just visit your local Toy's R Us or Target to find the answer. Toys.
When Disney invested in Star Wars, they were looking for a long term investment. This means that they will be cranking out Star Wars related movies, TV shows, toys and thousands of other Star Wars items for generations to come. A key part of their revenue comes from products based on the characters from the films, and the easiest items to license are those that feature non-human characters.
There are two key advantages to licensing products based on non-human characters. First, since non-human characters don't age, they can be in films for years to come, long after the actors who played them either retire or pass away. Another benefit of these non-human characters is that Disney can mass produce products with their image without paying royalties to the actors.
My list of "Perennial Star Wars Characters" includes Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO, Stormtroopers, and the newest Perennial, BB-8, who is likely to appear in the franchise for many years to come.
Even though he was killed in Return of the Jedi, don't be surprised to see Darth Vader eventually return as a Perennial character.
It sounds like a long shot, but think about it. He's one of the most popular toys, and his face is hidden. I'll expand on this as a future Idea of the Day.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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