Why Not Create James Bond Movies Based on the Original Novels?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 6/7/2016 1:00:00 AM
I love the original Ian Fleming James Bond novels. Too bad most of them were never made into movies.
Most people know that James Bond movies are based on books and short stories written by Ian Fleming. The funny thing is most of his actual original stories have never been made into movies.
That's because most of the original stories have movies that share the same titles... but literally none of the actual story itself. So even though there were original Ian Fleming stories with titles like Moonraker, A View to a Kill, The Spy Who Loved Me, and Octopussy, none of the movies that share those titles have any resemblance to the original stories. That's a shame, because some of the original stories are pretty good.
Naturally, the only way to actually base a new movie on those old stories is to let them take place in the 1960s.
To me, moving the stories back to the 60s makes them more authentic, and even timeless.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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