Darth Vader Will Be Back?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 6/9/2016 1:00:00 AM
The smartest thing Disney can do is bring back Darth Vader, but how?
There's no doubt about it. Darth Vader is the best movie villain of all time and no matter how much they will try, they will never create another Star Wars villain with the same impact. From the moment I saw his iconic mask, I knew he was the perfect bad guy.
Darth Vader is not only the most recognizable character in Star Wars, he's one of the most recognizable characters in movie history, even among people who've never even seen the films. With such a recognized image, Disney would obviously want to include him in just about every Star Wars movie for generations to come. The trouble is, he's dead, but I don't think that's a problem for the writers.
One way to bring him back would be through a form of Force Ghost or reincarnation, which isn't much of a stretch because we've already seen Force Ghosts and we were told that Anakin Skywalker was born from The Force itself.
Another way is to simply bring back the iconic helmet and cloak, which also served as life support. Perhaps Kylo Ren or another character may be in need of life support and one will resurface, just as it did in Episode III.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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