No iPhone Left Behind... Thanks to Apple Watch?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 11/23/2016 1:00:00 AM
If you walk about 30 feet away from your iPhone, chances are your Apple Watch will realize it before you do.
The iPhone and Apple Watch were, literally, made for eachother. Your iPhone knows when it's connected to your Apple Watch and vice versa. Consequently, your Apple Watch knows when that vital connection is broken, and you've walked more than 30 feet away from your iPhone.
When your Apple Watch is more than 30 feet away from your iPhone, there is a small red indicator on the face of the Watch indicating that it's no longer connected.
It would be great if the Apple Watch had a feature where it can ring an alarm whenever the connection is lost, just in case you accidentally left if behind.
This would be a huge help in cases where you didn't realize you left your iPhone in your car, home, or office, and even alert you if somebody walks off with it.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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