What's a REAL Star Wars Fan?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 12/24/2016 1:00:00 AM
Why do so many Star Wars fans make fun of the series?
Even though I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan, I often use my blog to poke fun at some of the strange plot holes and continuity problems in the films. On the surface, some people might wonder if that's because I'm not a "Real Fan", because a real fan wouldn't have anything negative to say about the films. The truth of the matter is only a REAL Star Wars fan would poke fun of the series as much as I do.
This is actually typical of a lot of the biggest fans of the series. Kevin Smith, for example, is one of the biggest Star Wars fans on the planet, yet some of his movies seem to poke fun of the movies. Why is that?
At the heart of it is one simple truth. Only a BIG FAN would care enough to notice all the little quirks in the first place.
Think about it. Would a casual fan even notice that Ben Kenobi doesn't recognize R2-D2 and C-3PO in the Original 1977 Star Wars, even though he spent a lot of time with them in the Prequels?... or notice that R2-D2 should've recognize Yoda in Empire Strikes Back, because they were together in the Prequels too?
Real fans get a bit nervous when a new installment comes out and hope they have another winner, but the bottom line is REAL Star Wars fans are just like sports fans. You boo from time to time when they drop the ball, but you cheer after each game and look forward to the next one.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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