The On-Demand Generation
Staten Island, NY Posted: 1/19/2017 1:00:00 AM
Millennials don't know what it's like to live in a world of patience and anticipation.
Technology has given the Generation Gap a new meaning. Today's Millennials grew up in an era where just about everything they do these days is on-demand.
Not only can they play their favorite songs, movies or TV shows in a matter of seconds, but they can jump directly to their favorite parts. When I grew up, there were only about 7 TV channels, which means we all watched pretty much the same shows at the same time. If you missed your favorite movies or shows, there was nothing you could do about it, unless the networks decided to play them again a few months ago. Classic movies like The Wizard of Oz played only once a year, but most never played more than once... And we accepted that as a fact of life.
On the positive side, this also meant that we could look forward to a show and were genuinely happy when we saw something we liked, because we were glad we didn't miss it.
Don't get me wrong. I like the fact that we can push a button and our favorite show comes on. I like the fact that I can ask my iPhone to play my favorite songs any time I want. I like the fact that I can find just about anything I want online in a matter of seconds. I also like the pleasure of not getting things right away from time to time. I think that's something today's Millennials have a hard time understanding. They were brought up in a world where these high tech marvels already existed. It just makes you wonder what the next generation will see. My guess is it will bring even more on-demand services.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe