What Happened to Han Solo's Reward? - A Star Wars Question
Staten Island, NY Posted: 2/15/2017 1:00:00 AM
We all know Han Solo needed his reward money in the Original Star Wars. What happened to it?
This has bugged me for years. If Han Solo knew there was a price on his head, why didn't he find some way to give Jabba The Hutt his reward? After all, having bounty hunters chasing him around the galaxy isn't exactly helpful to the rebellion, especially since he had the reward in his hands.
Think about it. At the end of the Original Star Wars (now known as Episode IV, A New Hope), Han Solo had the reward and was on his way to deliver it to Jabba The Hutt. We know he had a change of heart, and decided to pitch in and destroy the Death Star. Okay. Fine. That took him an extra 5 minutes, at most.
Once the Death Star was gone, all he had to do was bring the money back to Tatooine, and he would be a free man again. In fact, he'd be right on time, because Jabba was willing to wait for him to get back from his trip.
We never really saw what came next, but we do know he decided to return to the base long enough to get a medal (none for Chewbacca... they obviously have something against Wookies, but that's another story). The next thing we know, he's still traveling around with the Rebels, on the Ice Planet of Hoth, and they mention that they've had a few close calls with bounty hunters. Really? What the heck? Why didn't he simply bring the money to Jabba right after the Death Star was destroyed, or at the least, right after getting his medal?
So, we have to assume he was so caught up in helping the rebellion, that he never found the time (in spite of the price on his head). Okay, I'll accept that, but couldn't he send it some other way? Why not send somebody else? Don't they have some kind of mail service?
They can zoom all over the galaxy in the blink of an eye, but they can't send money? Don't they have banks or something like PayPal to exchange money with other planets? Why not simply write a check?
If they did... all Han's problems would've vanished in minutes. Just saying.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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