Why Luke is Rey's Father... Star Wars VIII (The Last Jedi) Predictions
Staten Island, NY Posted: 3/12/2017 1:00:00 AM
There are a lot of theories about who Rey's parents are. Here's why I think Luke is the only logical choice.
Ever since the release of Star Wars, Episode VII, The Force Awakens people have come up with all sorts of theories. Most of them are pretty far-fetched, such as Rey being another child of Princess Leia and Han Solo, or that she's either a reincarnation of Anakin or some other Jedi's spirit, but there are some solid reasons why iI think it's Luke.
First of all, unlike the animations, comic books and other movie spin-offs in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, central theme of the core Star Wars Trilogies is the Skywalker family, so the central characters in these trilogies must be a Skywalker. For that reason, if there will be future trilogies beyond Episode IX, they will need a new generation of Skywalkers.
Besides the family connection, there is strong evidence in Episode VII, and especially in the Force Vision scenes where Rey sees images of past, and future events.
To me, the most important part is when Rey sees a vision of Kylo Ren in the rain surrounded by what looks like dead bodies. I think these were images of the destruction of Luke's new Jedi Temple and the death of all his students (and Luke's wife). In that scene, Rey sees Kylo kill one of his own Knights that was about to attack Rey.
I think Kylo protected Rey because he still had good in him, so rather than kill his own cousin, he took her to Jakku where she would live out her life on an obscure planet, without anyone knowing she was even alive. That is of course until The Force changed her fate and led her back to her father.
This opens up a world of amazing possibilities as Luke will need to come to terms with not only finding out she is still alive, but making sure she does not follow the same path as her grandfather and cousin.
In Episode VIII, Rey, Luke, Kylo, and Snoke will all be more powerful. I can't wait to see how it all turns out.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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