Movies Shouldn't Use 555 Phone Numbers
Staten Island, NY Posted: 6/8/2017 1:00:00 AM
Nothing breaks the spell of a movie more than a 555 phone number.
Great movies can take you away to another time and place, and for a little while, you think you're right there with the stars, until somebody in the movie mentions a phone number, and it starts with 555. What an uncreative way to give out a phone number and break the spell.
I just don't get it. By now, everyone knows that 555 is a fake phone number, so when I hear them use it in the middle of a movie, it immediately reminds me it's just a movie, no matter how realistic the movie is.
I realize they're just trying to avoid giving out somebody's real phone number, but there are so many other options that are more creative than 555. For example, why not use letters, like they used to do with old phone numbers. So 555-3712 could become KL5-3712, which still dials 555, but it sounds better on the big screen.
Another simple option is to give out a REAL phone number, for the movie studio itself. It not only sounds real, but when people call it, they can play recorded messages promoting their newest films.
The bottom line is that 555 phone numbers in movies are a cliche, and they should avoid them at all costs.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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