Welcome Back, Barbarino
Staten Island, NY Posted: 6/25/2017 1:00:00 AM
Here's a movie I would LOVE to see!
Welcome Back Kotter was one of my favorite TV shows from the 70s and it was the show that gave John Travolta his first big break as Vinny Barbarino, the leader of gang of students in a Brooklyn High School.
The premise of the show was simple. Gabe Kotter, who was a founding member of a gang of students known as the "Sweat Hogs", returns to his old high school as a teacher where he becomes a mentor to a new generation of Sweat Hogs.
His old teacher is now the assistant principal, and he still thinks of Kotter as a thug.
With all the movie and TV reboots, I think it's time we see Welcome Back Kotter go full circle and see another sweathog return to the school as a teacher to mentor a new generation of Sweat Hogs.
Naturally, the movie would be called "Welcome Back Barbarino", and it would feature John Travolta as Vinny Barbarino, and Gabe Kaplan returning as the principal or assistant principal. The rest of the cast would be a new generation of young misfits who Barbarino and Kotter would mentor, just like the original show.
Welcome Back Barbarino could be a huge hit just on star power alone.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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