Weekend FedEx Delivery For The Same Price
Staten Island, NY Posted: 7/7/2017 1:00:00 AM
FedEx is behind the times.
When I think of FedEx, the first thing that comes to mind is overnight letters, which were the mainstay of their early years. Now that there are so many other ways to send documents digitally, you would think FedEx would focus on the competitive home package delivery business, which they are seriously at risk of losing to the US Postal Service, and in the very near future, to Amazon.
One of the best things about Amazon is Amazon Prime, their 2-day delivery service. To make the service even better they even negotiated a deal with the US Postal Service to include 7 day deliveries, which was unheard of until recently. Weekend delivery is so important to Amazon that they're even creating their own fleet of trucks to manage the deliveries. Clearly, weekend delivery is here to stay, but somehow FedEx doesn't realize what they've missing out on.
Meanwhile, FedEx is stuck with their antiquated delivery schedule, which only provides overnight deliveries 4 nights a week. That leaves the other 3 nights for the competition. When you think about it, what good is being an overnight service, when you don't offer overnight deliveries 40% of the week?
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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