A Garage Door Reminder App
Staten Island, NY Posted: 12/22/2014 1:00:00 AM
If a thief drives around town long enough, sooner or later they will find a garage door left open.
As somebody who walks at least a couple of hours each day, I pass a lot of houses with the garage door left open. It's a very common problem. Most of the time, the owner doesn't even know it. For many people, an open garage can be like an invitation for theft.
For those with a home alarm system, they may see a small blinking light on the alarm control panel, but it's usually so subtle, they only notice it if they are standing in front of it to turn the alarm on. By then, the thief may have already walked off with a fortune in tools, or even their car.
My solution is simple. A WiFi device that connects to the door that you can configure to send an alert to your phone whenever the door if left open more than a few minutes. What's nice about this approach is that it can alert you even if your left it open on your way out, so you can circle back and shut it before you get too far away. In fact, if the sensor was also hooked up to the back of the door opener, it could be used to remotely close it too!
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe