Better Options For Customizing Apple Watch Faces
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/7/2015 1:00:00 AM
I love the Apple Watch. I just wish it was easier to see the time.
One of the features that people don't talk about with the Apple Watch is changing the faces. I've tinkered with most of them, but the one that seems the most flexible to me is called the "Modular" Face.
The Modular Face essentially has 5 customizable zones:
- The upper left has a small box.
- The center has a large box that spans the whole width.
- The bottom has 3 small boxes.
You can change what goes in any of the 5 zones... except the time itself, which is always on the top right, and there's no room there to show the number of seconds. Keep in mind, the Apple Watch has an accuracy of within a billionth of a second, but using this face, that level of accuracy is completely useless, because I could be as much as a minute off when I read it.
To improve this, all Apple has to do is allow the time as one of the options for the center section... and let people change the top right zone, giving the same choices as the center, which would naturally include time as a choice.
For me, I'd put the time in the center. The added width would be plenty of room for the seconds. Then, I'd put the date at the top. There's no reason for the date to be bigger than the time.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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