Apple Watch Needs More Speed Sensitive Features.
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/8/2015 1:00:00 AM
Time to stand?... but I'm driving!
Now that I've used the Apple Watch for a couple of weeks, I've noticed a few of the features don't seem to factor in things like speed.
The first time I noticed this was when I was driving for about an hour and the Fitness / Activity App sent me a signal telling me it was time to stand.
If you're not familiar with the Activity Apps, they keep you motivated by reminding you to get up and move when you've been sitting too long.
Since the Apple Watch is linked to your iPhone, whenever the built-in GPS detects that you are moving faster than a human can walk, run, or even cycle, it should know when you are in a car or bus, and suppress or change the alerts to stand up. If nothing else, it should change the alert reminding you to stand, to something else, such as reminding you to pull over from time to time to stretch your legs or walk around. Either way, the fact that it doesn't factor in your speed can have several other unwanted side effects.
For example, my guess is that if the watch doesn't factor in speed when sending you alerts, it most likely doesn't factor in speed when determining how many steps you took that day. When you're in a car or bus, it should also ignore any arm movements and not count them as steps. After all, although you're moving your arms, you're still sitting in one seat.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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