Extending Apple Watch Battery Life Using Screen Only Mode
Staten Island, NY Posted: 5/23/2015 1:00:00 AM
Sometimes the Apple Watch eats up power doing absolutely nothing.
One of the BEST things about the Apple Watch is that it has it's own CPU and memory and it can run it's own Apps.
One of the WORST things about Apple Watch is that it has it's own CPU and memory and it can run it's own Apps.
This may sound strange, but the fact that the Apple Watch can run it's own Apps, doesn't mean it HAS to. The fact is, some tasks clearly take up more processing than others and are too much of a drain on the battery.
I've noticed that on the days I used the GPS on my iPhone, the battery was low on my Apple Watch. That's strange because I didn't even look at my Watch while driving, so why should it drain the battery?
The point here is that regardless of whether you ask for directions on the Watch or the iPhone, your Watch uses extra power, even though you may not even look at it while driving.
In other words, although the Apple Watch has it's own CPU, whenever the iPhone is present, it should use the iPhone's CPU as much as possible, so the CPU in the watch can save power.
By letting the iPhone do all the heavy computing, all it needs to do is send screen images to the Watch whenever you look at the screen. Sending screen images uses far less power.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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