TV Remote Controls Suck
Staten Island, NY Posted: 6/19/2015 1:00:00 AM
Why are TV remotes so bad?
Technology today moves at an incredible pace, but somehow TV remotes are just as bad as they were over 30 years ago. In fact, I'd say they are worse.
Where do I start?
1. Most of them still use Infra-Red, which means they only work when you point them directly at the TV or cable box. Depending on where the sensor is, you often have to hold it in awkward positions. A modern remote should use BlueTooth or WiFi.
2. There are WAY too many buttons. I don't know about you, but that means I hit the wrong one way too often. Take a lesson from Apple. With an iPod, you can pick a song from a list of thousands with just a dial or wheel, so why not consider an alternate to all those buttons.
3. Up and down buttons for channels was pretty cool, when there were only 13 channels. With hundreds of channels, it could take quite a long time to jump to a channel. If you try to use the numbers instead, more often than not, you miss a couple of digits, because many cable systems have 4 digit channel numbers. If nothing else, in addition to moving up or down one channel at a time, why not a button that jumps through groups of channels at a time?
4. Even better... why not pair your TV with an App?
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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