Yawning Videos For Babies
Staten Island, NY Posted: 8/2/2015 10:00:37 AM
Baby won't go to sleep?
There are plenty of videos out there to stimulate and entertain babies, so why not make more videos designed specifically to make babies sleep?
We all know that yawning is contagious. If fact, even reading the word yawn can trigger your brain to make you yawn. The fact that I've written yawn multiple times in this post is proof because whereas most of my posts will make you yawn and fall asleep in about 60 seconds, my guess is you've already yawned at least once while reading this.
Although many scientists have concluded that contagious yawning starts at about 4 years of age, I've noticed that many babies get sleepy when you yawn and act sleepy, so I think videos of soft, hypnotic sounding music accompanied by yawning images of people, animals and other babies is bound to at least calm most babies to sleep.
If nothing else, even if it doesn't calm the baby to sleep, at least it can help their parents relax.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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