Show Seconds on Apple Watch Faces... Isn't About Time?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 9/23/2015 1:00:00 AM
Yesterday Apple Released WatchOS 2.0, including more Faces... that still don't show seconds.
I don't like repeating myself, but as I mentioned in a previous post: Apple should allow the seconds as an option on more Watch Faces., but even after the first major update to WatchOS, they still don't offer the option to show the seconds on more than half the Watch Faces.
It's great that they rolled out a bunch of new features, they forgetting that one of it's most important features is telling time. Their ads even call it one of the most accurate timepieces in the world. If more than half the faces don't offer the option to put the seconds on the face, anyone checking the time can't tell if the time is 11:09 and 1 second, or 59 seconds. If accuracy is important, the seconds can make a big difference.
I realize some people don't want to see the seconds... but some people do. All they need to do is make the seconds an option when they use the Customize option. Why would they think it's more important to give people the option to put the moon phase or stock quotes on the face, but not offer seconds?
While I'm at it... As I mentioned in my earlier post, it's also strange that the "Modular" Face places the time in a small font in the top right, yet it lets you put the moon phase or the date, in a bigger font, in the middle of the face? Why not at least let people decide what goes in the middle? Just add TIME (including seconds) to the list of choices for the middle and the top.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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