Voice Memos on Apple Watch
Staten Island, NY Posted: 11/29/2015 1:00:00 AM
Why isn't a voice memo app built-in?
It's funny that Apple didn't include a Voice Memo App on the Apple Watch. Even the original 2007 iPhone had a built-in Voice Memo App, and for me it was one of it's best features.
The interface was simple, you just hit a button and it started recording. Hit another button and it stopped. It also had a simple list of previous recordings, which you could play back and that was all you needed to do.
Before getting my iPhone, I had a bunch of dedicated voice recorders, but they were clumsy, and whenever you wanted to play them back, it took a long time to find the one you wanted, because they had no way to give the recordings a meaningful name, or even a date stamp.
When the Apple Watch came out, I assumed I could simply hit a button and make voice recordings, but somehow there wasn't anything built-in to do it. Of course, they do have Siri, but it's rarely accurate, and it's only good for short phrases.
Thankfully there are some great third party voice memo Apps, including Just Press Record, which I LOVE, but it's still odd that Apple didn't include one. Just Press Record not only lets you add a one button record to the face of your Watch, it can share recordings with your iOS devices and your Mac, by saving your recordings on iCloud.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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