Every Apple Watch Face Should Allow You To See Seconds
Staten Island, NY Posted: 3/23/2016 1:00:00 AM
More than half of the Faces on the Apple Watch don't allow you to show seconds.
Apple claims that the Apple Watch is one of the most accurate timepieces in the world because it's accurate to around a billionth of a second. The trouble is most of the watch faces don't give you an option to show the number of seconds, which means at any given moment, you could be up to 59 seconds off.
This means that if you look at your watch and it reads 8:59, it could actually be 8:59... and 59 seconds. To me, that's a pretty big gap considering the main point of a watch is to give you the accurate time.
Another key point is that a second hand on a watch isn't just to give you the exact second, but to give you the ability to quickly time things. For example, nurses will look at the seconds on their watch when they take your pulse.
The strange thing is that Apple gives you a ton of other things you can add to your Watch face, including the weather, moon phase, and your activity level for the day... but they don't allow you to put the seconds there? Hey Apple.... It's a WATCH!
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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