Why Does Yoda Use a Cane?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 4/28/2016 1:00:00 AM
Isn't it strange that Yoda hobbles around using a cane, but he leaps into the air like a ninja when he fights?
Ever since I saw Yoda fight in Star Wars Episode III, Revenge of the Sith, I've wondered why Yoda uses a cane. Up until that point he seemed to hobble along like a 900 year old man. That's probably because he's over 900 years old, but the point is when he got into a fight with Count Dooku, he was able to drop the can and fly around like a ninja.
At that point in the film, I fully expected to see the Jedi Master defeat Dooku using nothing but The Force, either by lifting himself or other objects into space, and perhaps disarming him with the sheer power of his mind. As it turns out, he whips out his Lightsaber and fights him in a traditional dual of strength and agility.
I'm sure they would like us to believe that the source of all that agility was driven by The Force itself, but it wasn't what I'd expect him to do. If he has the power to do all that in a fight, then he should theoretically have the ability to walk without the cane all the time.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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