Why Didn't Darth Vader Look For His Son, Luke Skywalker?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 4/30/2016 1:00:00 AM
If you ask me, they didn't exactly hide Luke Skywalker form his father, so why didn't he look for him?
In The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader makes it clear to Luke Skywalker that he knows he is his son, so it raises the question... if he knew Luke was his son, why didn't he look for him sooner?
Think about it. We know Leia was immediately taken away to another planet (Alderaan), and raised as Princess Leia Organa, so that her father couldn't find her, but Luke wasn't exactly hidden. He was taken back to, of all places Anakin's home planet of Tatooine... to be taken care of by his Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen Lars. Since he has no father, Aunt Beru is presumed to be his mother's sister Beru Skywalker Lars.
To top it all off, unlike Leia, they don't even bother changing his name to Lars, but keep his mother's last name, Skywalker. Is that how you hide somebody from somebody as powerful in The Force as Darth Vader?
Obviously, it didn't work. Clearly, Darth Vader knew he was his son. He said so himself in The Empire Strikes Back. So if he knew he was his son, you'd think he would've realized how powerful he could become, so he would've looked for him.
Even if they told Anakin / Vader that Padme died before giving birth, and that his child didn't survive, you would think that sooner or later the somebody would recognize the name and connect the dots.
After all, the Clone Wars ended specifically because a Skywalker killed all the Jedi, so you would think the Skywalker name would be recognized throughout the entire galaxy as a name to be feared. Remember, he betrayed the Republic while he was still known as Anakin Skywalker, not Darth Vader, so that name should've been quite well known.
That said, you would expect that at least somebody on Tatooine would've recognized the name and that would easily reach Vader.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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