The REAL Purpose of Education
Staten Island, NY Posted: 7/30/2016 1:00:00 AM
The purpose of teaching is to make teaching unnecessary.
When you think about it, the most important part of your education took place in three basic stages. Your first stage was to learn the fundamental skills like reading, writing and arithmetic. Most of that you mastered in elementary school.
With those building blocks in place, you soon moved on to more advanced studies in a variety of subjects like history and science, and finally in your third stage, you went deeper into those subjects and started to learn specific skills that you may use in your future career.
However, there is a fourth, and more important stage. It's called "Life". It's a much longer phase, but for some people, it's often neglected. In this critical stage you are faced with NEW questions every day that were never taught in school, and unless you are prepared to find the answers on your own, you won't be prepared to succeed.
I see so many people who lack this 4th skill. They stagnate in their current position because they blame their lack of achievement on having poor teachers and mentors who didn't prepare them for real life. Instead of taking the initiative to find answers, they stagnate and point their finger at others.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe