Why I Wear an Apple Watch
Staten Island, NY Posted: 9/16/2016 1:00:00 AM
I've owned an Apple Watch since the first week they were released. Here's why.
Ever since smartphones came out, fewer and fewer people were wearing wristwatches, especially younger people, because they can get the time by looking at their phone. Considering this trend, some people wondered why Apple would even consider investing resources into developing a watch. As it turns out, their gamble paid off, because it's already become the most popular selling watch in the world. But why?
Here are a few reasons that I wear mine.
1. It's a REAL Watch. The most important reason to me is the same reason ANY watch is better than using your smartphone to get the time. Glancing at your wrist is safer and easier than to reach for your phone and risk dropping it. Simply stated, a smartphone is simply no substitute for a wristwatch.
2. Instant Weather. I love checking the temperature outside by simply looking at my wrist. Once again, this is something I could do with my iPhone, but I don't like taking it out for things like this when I can simply look at my wrist and it's already on the face.
3. Caller ID. When a call comes in, I can see who it is in an instant by simply looking at my Apple Watch. This makes it easy to decide if I want to answer it right away or not, without taking out my iPhone.
3. Answer or Reject calls. Although I rarely answer the phone using my Watch, I like having the ability to do it if I can't get my hands free. Even if it's just to tell the person I will call them back later.
4. Texting. I was never a fan of texting, because I hate the idea of walking around with my phone in my hands, so I absolutely love being able to read my texts on my wrist. It takes a fraction of the time and effort and once again, I don't need to take out my iPhone and risk dropping it.
5. Timers. I have a quick launch icon on my Watch Face that lets me quickly set a timer. You'd be surprised how often I use it for things like reminding me when the washer / dryer is ready, cooking pasta, etc.. It's quick and easy to set up, and it works beautifully.
6. Stopwatch. This is another feature I find myself using quite often, just because it's so easy to use. With a touch of a button I can keep track of all sorts of things like... how long I take on a task for client, etc..
7. Fitness. This is one of the most popular features of the Apple Watch, and it's easy to see why. As soon as you start a workout, it keeps track of things like distance, calories, heart rate, pace, and distance, so you can track your progress at a glance as you work out, or simply review it when you're done. As an added bonus, it tracks things like steps and heart rate even when you're not working out.
8. Voice Memos. Technically, this isn't a built-in feature of the Apple Watch, but there are a number of voice recording Apps that let you quickly record voice memos by tapping a button on the face. My favorite is an App called "Just Press Record", which launches in a blink and let's me capture my thoughts MUCH faster and more accurately than trying to get Siri to take dictation.
9. I love the look. There's no doubt about it. The Apple Watch looks amazing. It's not too big, not too small, and by changing the band, it blends in with whatever you're wearing.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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