Why Don't They Teach THIS In School?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 12/21/2016 1:00:00 AM
Schools teach just about everything a student needs to get a job, except how to find one.
Finding the right job isn't easy, especially since most students have no idea where to start. It's not just a matter of checking newspaper listings and online job sites, because a lot of students don't even know which jobs to apply for, or how to go about it.
Finding the right job is a combination of finding the right fit for the skills you've learned, creating a well crafted resume, submitting it to the right places, and most of all, knowing how to handle the interviews and subsequent negotiations. None of these skills are taught in school.
I've seen quite a few students shift careers 4 or 5 times within the first year of school, simply because the didn't apply for the right jobs. For this reason, I can't understand why schools don't have a mandatory class specifically to address these skills.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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