Don't Name Your Company Until...
Staten Island, NY Posted: 1/22/2017 1:00:00 AM
Coming up with a good name is one of the most important steps in starting a business, but many people overlook one thing...
One of the biggest mistakes I've seen people make when starting a new business is forgetting to search the web to see if somebody else already owns their new company name as a domain. This is a critical mistake that will hurt the startup down the road.
There's nothing worse for a new company than to go through all the effort starting a new business, and finding out that all your effort to try to build a brand name is wasted because another company has the same online identity.
If you want to call yourself True Blue Curtains, and somebody else owns TrueBlueCurtains.Com, then don't even bother forming the company. It's simply not worth the effort because all your efforts to build the True Blue Curtains brand will be wasted. It doesn't matter who the current owner of the domain is, or if they're in the same town. Its only going to create problems that will not only confuse your customers, but hurt your business as a whole.
Simply stated. Before you name your company, look for an available domain FIRST.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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