Disney Should Offer The Classic Theatrical Versions of Star Wars
Staten Island, NY Posted: 12/26/2015 1:00:00 AM
Did Han Solo Shoot First?
An artist works on a painting for two years, then hangs it in a gallery, where everyone praises it as a masterpiece. Would it be wrong of the artist to remove the painting from the gallery 20 years later, and make changes before putting it back on display? After all, it was HIS painting.
That's exactly what George Lucas did when he released "Special Editions" of all three films. Unlike most re-released films, he didn't simply re-master them with better sound and color reproduction, he made quite a lot of changes to the films, including adding additional visual effects, and even a few new scenes.
If you watch them side by side, some of the changes are pretty drastic. They added a lot of computer generated creatures who walk around in familiar scenes, and they replaced a lot of the stop-motion animations with computer generated versions.
The most controversial change he made was to the famous Cantina scene in the first film. In the 1977 version, Han Solo shoots Greedo, a bounty hunter before escaping from Jabba The Hut on the Millennium Falcon. In the Special Edition, Lucas changed the editing so that Greedo is seen shooting first, instead of Han. According to George Lucas, that was how he intended the scene to be edited, but it accidentally came out the wrong way when he released it. Some say he did it because he wanted it to look like it was self-defense.
Right after that, a deleted scene between Han Solo and a computer generated Jabba The Hutt. Fans not only hated the idea of a computer generated Jabba The Hut, but they hated the fact that he's even in the first movie. In the theatrical versions, we had no idea what Jabba looked like until the third film, 6 years later.
What bothers fans most is that George Lucas declared that he would never release the original versions again.
This is the biggest complaint among fans, because it means that they have no way to see the classic versions as they were originally released. It's okay to have "Special Editions", but they should also give fans the choice to see the originals if they want.
Now that George Lucas is no longer in charge of Lucasfilm, perhaps Disney should finally release the original editions.
I'm sure it would make a lot of fans happy.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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