A Car Periscope? Why Not?
Staten Island, NY Posted: 11/10/2014 1:00:00 AM
Sometimes when I come up with an idea, I find out somebody's thought about it before. Today, I found two. It must be a really great idea.
A lot of cars today have cameras in the back, so you can see the car behind you when you park. Every time I've used one, I have often wished I could see all around the car... 360 degrees... like a Car Periscope!
From the start, I thought about how great it would be to not only see behind me, but on the sides, and eliminate blind spots... that would also make it easier to know exactly how far I was from the CURB.
Wouldn't you know it, I do a quick search of Car Periscope Curb, and there it was... a Car Periscope on CURB Your Enthusiasm. I guess Larry David had this on his mind for long time, because he also included it in a Seinfeld episode.
While my idea of a car periscope was more of a series of pinhole sized cameras surrounding the car, and a touch screen in the dash to change views, the fact is, when multiple people come up with the same idea (even as a joke), it's a great sign that there is actually a demand for it.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe