Rent Your Yard For Other People's Garage Sales
Staten Island, NY Posted: 8/2/2017 1:00:00 AM
The quickest way to get rid of stuff is a yard or garage sale. Unfortunately, a lot of people can't do that.
I love getting rid of stuff, but I've never been able to hold a yard sale, because there aren't many people passing my house on any given day. Meanwhile, houses on the block perpendicular to mine have incredible success whenever they hold a sale because that block gets a ton of traffic.
That's because the success or failure of a good garage or yard sale is based on 3 major factors: location, location, and location. First, you need a yard or garage. Second, your yard or garage need to have enough space for your things and for people to park their car. Third, you've got to have a location that gets a decent amount of traffic, or nobody will see your stuff. That's the inspiration behind today's idea.
While my house meets the first two location criteria (I have a yard, and there's plenty of space for my stuff and for people to park), I don't meet the third location criteria, I don't get enough traffic.
This got me thinking. Wouldn't it be great if somebody was willing to let me rent their yard... for my yard sale? Why not? If you happen to have a great yard, in a great location, you can make a few extra dollars every weekend?
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe