Cat Video Network
Staten Island, NY Posted: 6/28/2015 1:00:00 AM
It's amazing how many people watch cat videos each day.
Let's face it, cat videos are addictive. Although some people won't admit it, millions of people watch them every day.
Cat videos are pretty unique. While some people spend a lot of time and money on high end cameras, lighting, and other effects to create a video that goes viral, anyone with a cat can get millions of views by using their cell phone to record their cat coughing up a hairball. That's incredible.
While it's hard to understand why cats coughing up hairballs would be popular, who can resist a video of a cat, dressed in a shark costume, chasing a small duck, while riding a Roomba vacuum cleaner?
So if cat videos are so popular online, why haven't cable companies realized there's a big market for a channel devoted to cat videos? To me, that's money on the table.
Still don't believe there's a demand? Ask yourself this quick question... did you watch the cat on the Roomba? 'Course ya did.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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