Mediation and Deep Breathing
Staten Island, NY Posted: 8/9/2017 1:00:00 AM
Why is deep breathing so important to meditation?
One of the most interesting features of the Apple Watch is the Breathing App, which prompts you several times a day to remind you to "Breathe". Can you imagine that? A technology company taking the time and effort to make "Breathing" a central option in a major product line. Why would they do that?
When Apple introduced the Apple Watch, they didn't focus much on it's ability to tell time, or even make phone calls. They focused on its health benefits, and as far as Apple (and many doctors) are concerned, taking a few minutes each day to breathe is an important part of being healthy.
Controlled breathing has countless health benefits because it's the shortest path to controlling your mind, which, in turn, controls the rest of your body. Studies have shown that the simple act of clearing your mind and "Returning to your Breath", can significantly reduce stress levels and lower your heart rate.
If you think of your mind as a kite, breathing is the string that controls it. Once you control your breathing, you're on your way to controlling your mind and body.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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