Amazon Echo as an Intercom. Room to Room Communication, Even Across the World.
Staten Island, NY Posted: 8/10/2015 1:00:00 AM
Hey kids... dinner's on the table!
As my third Amazon Echo idea, naturally I'm focused on the kinds of things you can do with sound, so to me a natural progression is to have a feature to let you use the Echo as an intercom system.
There are several ways they can implement this. If you have more than one Echo in your house, the easiest thing is for the Echo to automatically consider all of them as one common group, and simply allow any of the Echo devices to broadcast a message to every other device in the same network.
A more advanced method would be to allow you to assign names to each independent Echo unit, so you could start a private conversation with a specific room.
Taking it one step further, it should be possible to create a Buddy List option of people you may wish to communicate with. As long as the other parties accept an invitation to join their Buddy List, you would be able to have a full conversation with just about anyone, even if they aren't in the same house.
To protect the recipient's privacy, the Echo would ring the destination and keep the destination microphone off until they accept the call.
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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- Joe