Post Game Handshakes
Staten Island, NY Posted: 11/4/2015 1:00:00 AM
Whatever happened to sportsmanship?
I played Little League Baseball when I was young. I wasn't good at the game, but I learned something more important than baseball. I learned about Sportsmanship.
In Little League, after each game ends, both teams line up to shake hands. It's a great tradition, yet you seldom see this kind of sportsmanship in professional sports, and that's a shame. That one little gesture can bring out the best in both teams, assuming the handshake is genuine.
If boxers can spend 10 rounds beating each other senseless, and not only shake hands... but give each other a big hug when it's over, why can't baseball players shake hands?
It doesn't matter if it's a regular game, or a championship. Shaking hands after the game is a great way to let the other team know they respect them, win or lose.
While it may sound hard for a losing team to stand tall and shake hands with the team that defeated them, it's actually harder for the winning team to show self control and genuinely show their respect. For this reason, both sides, and the fans benefit.
Thankfully athletes in some sports, especially individual sports like Boxing, Tennis, and Golf already shake hands, so why not every sport?
Joe Crescenzi, Founder
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